How to Escape

How to Escape a Housefire

First and foremost, we absolutely hope that you never experience a housefire. But if disaster strikes and your home catches fire, knowing what to do can be what saves you and your family. In this short post, we’ll give you suggestions that will give you a better chance of escaping a housefire. Please note, this post will NOT teach you everything you need to know. Fire safety is a continual process that takes education and practice. We encourage you to continue in your fire safety education and seek out the many resources across the internet that can make your home safer.

How to Escape a Fire:

Have a fire escape plan

You’ve heard it before and we’ll tell you again… Having a plan and practicing it is the best way to protect your family.

Map out the safest route, and practice staying as low as possible as you practice escaping. Use blankets, towels or clothing to cover your mouth and nose from smoke. Using a damp towel works even better but don’t take the time to wet a towel if it risks your chances of escaping the home.

Keep in mind, smoke is deadlier than fire. Most housefire deaths are a result of smoke inhalation. So stay low and try to avoid breathing smoke.

Fire can go from manageable to completely out of control in seconds. Get your family to safety, and leave the valuables behind. Your life is more important.

If a doorknob feels hot, or smoke is coming through the cracks… don’t open the door. Look for a window or another way out. Opening a door can invite the flames into the room you’re in.

Close doors behind you. Keeping doors shut can slow the spread of the fire.

Well placed fire extinguishers

Having fire extinguishers properly placed can be life saving. First, the kitchen… but don’t stop there. You should have at least 1 fire extinguisher on each floor of your home. Some people like to keep one in each bathroom for convenience.

Yell for help

If you’re home is on fire, call for help immediately. If you’re trapped, open a window and yell for help. If someone hears you, you’ll have a better chance of survival.

If you get out, stay out

In the movies we see people heroically run into burning buildings to save the day… Please know that this isn’t the movies. A house engulfed in flames can be thousands of degrees hot, making it impossible to survive.

Go straight to your designated meeting place, and get the fire department there as soon as possible. They have special equipment that allows them to survive in extreme temperatures.

Stop, Drop & Roll

We learn the stop drop and roll technique when we’re young. But this technique is relevant to everyone. Why? Because it works. If your clothing is on fire, stop, drop and roll.

If you’re trapped…

If you’re trapped in a room with no way to escape, shut the door, cover cracks and vents to keep smoke out, and call 911.

Practice Makes Perfect

Teach your family what to do in a fire and practice it often. Knowing exactly what to do in an emergency gives you the best possible chance stay safe.

Last but Not Least

Use monitored smoke detectors. One of the best ways to protect your home family in a fire is to get the fire department to the scene as fast as possible. Luna can alert the fire department as soon as smoke is detected. You can focus on getting yourself and family to safety, while knowing that Luna has already sent help.

If you’d like to order your first Luna Monitored Smoke Detector, click here…



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